Photography and Recipe by Ndoema
Because I’ve been vegan for so long, I’m constantly asked where I get my vitamin B12. My answer has remained the same over the years, seaweeds (especially nori and dulse) and bee products, more specifically bee pollen. Bee pollen is a nutritional powerhouse (as bee products are in general) and is a staple of my diet. I know bee products are off limits for some vegans but I personally love them and I have to say they’ve loved me back. Because I adore bees, I always make sure I support bee keepers that treat them with love, don’t feed them corn syrup, antibiotics and only pollinate organic fields. I’m very grateful to know a local grower, a wonderful family farm, where I also buy my oranges (an average of 50 pounds per week!) that’s been organic since the 1960s, uses pure river water in the fields and treats their bees with utmost respect. And that means a lot to me.
As I’ve said, I’ve been taking bee pollen regularly for years but interestingly enough during my second 92-day juice fast I was in constant bee pollen craving mode (I learnt later that it’s fabulous at assisting the body with detoxing), so it only validated how beneficial it is to my health and well being.
I love it as is but I also absolutely adore it with my green smoothies! This spinach/banana/orange smoothie is a classic in The Global Girl’s Kitchen 🙂
You’ll catch some of my favorite nutrition reads as you peruse the slideshow:
- Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Norman Walker (my juicing bible)
- Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond (a great intro to the principles of Natural Hygiene)
- The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell (the book responsible for Bill Clinton’s decision to adopt a plant-based diet)
- The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose (a helpful detox intro & transition guide)
8 thoughts on “Green Smoothie: Vitamin B Monster”
Hi Ndoema!
I am so excited to have discovered your blog! I have been a raw vegan for 6 years and do a juice fast a couple of times each year, but usually for a week or so. I am interested in doing a longer fast, and I wanted to know if you occasionally add smoothies into your fast or strictly stick to only juices?
Thank you! You are such an inspiration!
Hi Dora!
So lovely to be hearing from you 😉
On my juice fasts (long or short) I don’t consume smoothies or blended food of any kind, only fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. I’ve actually answered a similar question in this post:
I personally choose to allow my body to completely rest by not engaging the digestive functions at all. That said adding smoothies can be helpful to slow down weight loss or lessen the detox symptoms if necessary. It’s really a matter of personal preference.
Is this recipe with 4 bananas for just ONE smoothie?
I have started taking bee pollen this spring, along with my family, and am reading different articles on how much to take. I introduced it slowly to our bodies, and am taking a heaping teaspoon each day. My little one (9 yrs old) takes about 1/2tsp. Should I work up to a Tablespoon? My little, my hubby and myself usually suffer from allergies, and we were told that this spring is supposed to be extreme this year here in WI. I am a believer of healing the body as naturally as possibly, so finding the bee pollen has been awesome. So far, so good! No symptoms for us! Just need to know how much to take. Thanks!
Congrats! To be honest everybody is different. I personally like to do things gradually and it’s worked wonders for me.
I have tried a banana/orange smoothie before but I havent tried putting spinach yet. Will try that, hanks!
Where do you get your bee pollen?
I like buying my bee pollen from organic bee keepers at my local Farmers market here in Southern California, whenever possible.
I also really love this bee pollen
from Eco Bee Farms. It’s perfect when I’m traveling. And it tastes and feels right!